Brrr!!! Winter in Seattle has come too early this year.

My mom and I are bummed. Cathy wanted to take me for a good, long walk today. “I’m going out this evening,” she said last night. “So we’d better give you some exercise.”

Then we woke up to a cold, rainy morning. I hurried through out early “do your business” walk and my mom hustled me back home. “No strolling around today,” she said firmly. “Too bad the Dog Lounge had to close the Belltown location. You’d spend a few happy hours there.”

Yeah, I agree with that one. I miss seeing Summer, Cynthia and my other good buddies every week. It’s just too far to get to the new locations. My mom says she doesn’t know any other dog lounges that are convenient and anyway, she’s loyal to the Dog Lounge. So am I.

The really good news, she said, is our ceiling seems to have stopped leaking. The management company actually fixed it! That means we can move my crate back to where it belongs.

“Let’s just be sure,” my mom said. “I don’t want to leave you in your crate with water dripping like a torture chamber.”

Good thinking, Mom. I mostly like my crate. It’s cozy and the cats leave me alone. Let’s keep it that way.

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