You never know what will happen on our walks …

So my mom and I are walking around the neighborhood. Someone comes up to us, holding a camera.

“Can I ask a favor?” she says.

“I can’t hold a camera,” my mom said, pointing to her new sling. Since she fractured her arm bone she has been a little frazzled.

“No,” the woman says. “We’re on a scavenger hunt. We have to get a picture with 6 people.”

“Sure,” my mom says. “Will you send us the picture?”

“Six people – and a dog! Our group gets a bonus!”

My mom told me to sit because a simple sit makes people melt. Apparently most dogs won’t drop as fast as I do.

So there’s my mom on the far right, checking her sling, and you can see my royal head leaning forward. My mom is very proud: she’s wearing gym shorts and a loose t-shirt (she’s having trouble getting into shirts these days) and she looks VERY fit. Doesn’t she?

After the photo shoot, my mom asked what was going on. “We’re on a team-building project for our company,” a male team member said.

“So is it working?” my mom asked, trying to keep the skepticism out of her voice. She was never much of a team player although our little furry family has been trying to help her.

“It’s okay,” the guy said. “I’ve never been on a scavenger hunt before.”

“I think he’d rather do some team building over a couple of beers at a local bar,” my mom said to me, as we walked off. “I feel the same way.”

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