Well, my birthday was a non-event. My mom decided I need a rest day in between my most active exercise days. So Wednesday we went for a walk, only to find the dog park was closed. Not to worry: we walked most of the way home, which was about a mile. Thursday was my rest day. Then Friday I was off to Magnuson again with my Aunt Sara.
When Aunt Sara came to get me, she got a look at our portly housemate, Ophelia. “That cat has just about tripled in size!” she exclaimed. “She is huge! Not good for her joints.”
“Guess I’d better put her on a diet,” my mom said, sheepishly.
I was thrilled. I won’t be the only deprived creature in this household.
But later my mom picked up Ophelia. “Not that heavy,” she said. “Maybe your fur has just gotten fluffier with all the healthy food?”
Yeah, right. Come on, Mom. You eat carefully. You measure my rations. Creampuff has a metabolism that keeps her skinny. Let’s get Ophelia into the loop.
So what do YOU think? Please add some comments below. My mom says I need more interaction on this blog.
I am sure that Ophelia’s magnificent coat is what makes her look so fluffy and big. We have a neighbour’s cat, who would dearly love to live here, who has the most wonderful coat. And a tail like an ostrich feather or two. Stop picking on the cat. 🙂
Thanks, Lesley. But don’t let my mom see this.