Cats are SO dumb…

Ophelia and Creampuff are watching each other as cautiously as…well, cats. Ophelia doesn’t want to leave her
temporary home in the laundry hiding She’s cowering in the corner.

Dogs don’t operate like that. We make friends right away.

In the photo below, you can see our neighbor Diana, who gave Cathy a ride home from the vet. Diana is checking out Ophelia. Diana seems to be saying, “I’m glad she’s your cat.”

checking out cat with dogAnd what am I doing?

There I am on the left…

making a case for the dog park. Business as usual.

One thought on “Cats are SO dumb…”

  1. Isn’t it wonderful when our four legged critters choose us to be their care takers? It means they trust us and know it is a safe environment.


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