My mom Cathy was watching a video at Petzume, “10 Dumbest Dog Breeds.” She kept looking over at me, with a critical eye. Luckily I don’t look like any of those breeds.
Anyway, Cathy gave up on the list when she came to “Dumb Breed Number 7 (or was it 9?): the Chow Chow. Cathy’s first dog, the sainted Keesha, was part chow. True, Mom says, she had all the qualities listed. Fiercely loyal to her owner. Jealous. Likes to be the center of attention.
“But Keesha was so smart,” Cathy says. “When I said, ‘Want to go for a ride?’ she would go right to the car. When I said, ‘Walk?’ she would jump up and wag her tail, ignoring the car completely.”
Then Cathy looked up the 10 smartest breeds, defined as “easiest to train.” The smartest (according to this video) is…a Border Collie?
“Come on,” Mom said. “Border collies train their owners. One border collie in New Mexico taught its owner to throw frisbees for hours.”
Whew. What a relief. For awhile there I thought mom was going to administer an IQ test, although she thinks all those tests are hogwash.
Then she got distracted by a cool video on that site: How cats wake up their owners. “Just like Creampuff,” she nodded approvingly.
I went back to sleep, dreaming of my own video. How Owners Wake Up Their Dogs (and why they shouldn’t).
Hey, Gracie:
I’m sooo glad I ran into your blog.
Finally. Another god–I mean dog–with a copywriter mom.
Someone I can share a yap with.
You don’t get much decent conversation living with a copywriter. As you well know.
They’re always on the phone yammering to clients about “targeted” this and “positioned” that.
I’d like her to position me in front of a a bowl of liver treats–you know what I’m saying?
And when she’s not on the phone, she sits in front of that laptop. And sits.
Forget about a walk. A little Frisbee action–not that my knees are what they used to be. But still. A little fresh air would be nice.
I just have one question. How do you type?
I had to get this comment-action going with voice-recognition software.
It was really easy getting it to translate barking. Not.
Gracie, I gotta run–literally, I lapped a lot of water after getting into that box of Wheat Thins.
I’ll catch you later.
Toby the Boxer
As for dogs, do you know any reliable resource where one can find all the local dog kennels?