Species discrimination? Media favors the fat cats.

Uh-oh. My mom Cathy usually fast-forwards through the television commercials.

This time she didn’t pull the trigger fast enough and we caught a commercial for (what else) Fancy Feast Cat Food.cat enjoying food

This well-regarded company has come out with a new flavor — Chicken Tuscany.

Tuscany? Gimme a break. Does Fancy Feast really add these subtle flavorings and by the way, who’s doing the taste testing? How do we know cats share human tastes?

And where is the canine equivalent of Fancy Feast? Imagine a commercial with one of those toy breeds, featuring some gourmet dinner served in a designer dish.

Let’s get real. Feature a mixed breed adopted dog like me, eating a delicious bowl of crunchies following a hard day’s nap. A hungry dog doesn’t care about the dish and won’t notice the subtlety of the flavors. We’re not finicky like those cats. I won’t even tell you what I eat in the dog park.

But if push comes to shove, I won’t turn down a delicately flavored dish of Burgndy beef…heavy on the beef, please, with a couple of peanut butter treats for dessert.

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