My mom says, “A tired dog is a good dog, but I’m not sure an exhausted dog is a great dog.”
Yesterday I played in the big park with my Aunt Sara and today I’m into big sleeping. My mom dragged me to the local downtown park. She’s still trying to get me to enjoy going there. The good part is, she kept giving me treats. Lots of treats! Eventually, though, she realized I wasn’t going to play. So she took me for a walk. And now I’m back on the cushion again.
“You need to be tired, Gracie,” the mom said, preparing to head off for bed herself. Tomorrow you’ve got lots of time alone in the crate. I’m off to Game 1 of the WNBA championship series, but first I’d like to join at least part of the Zumba class.”
That’s the mom for you: dedicated as ever. I’m even more tired just thinking about her bopping around at Zumba. Frankly, a little crate time might not be a bad thing. Besides, if her team wins, she’ll be in a terrific mood. We know what that means, don’t we? More treats!